
Testing of equipment operation of multi-well objects remote monitoring system in the Tagrinsky field of PJSC Russneft Oil Company

Equipment and software testing of ROSSMA IIOT-AMS, produced by our company in objects of PJSC Russneft Oil Company is successfully completed.

Testing of equipment operation of multi-well objects remote monitoring system in the Tagrinsky field of PJSC Russneft Oil Company

From April 25 to May 26, 2019  testing of ROSSMA IIOT-AMS system hardware and software, produced by our company on the Tagrinsky field objects of JSC Varyeganneft (is a part of PJSC Russneft Oil Company) was performed .

The conclusions and recommendations received from the Customer by results of tests: When performing the tests it is established that the stated system conforms to the stated requirements. Following the results of system tests, ROSSMA-IIOT AMS hardware and software system, produced by LLC ROSSMA Perm is recommended for further use, scaling and replication on fields of JSC Varyeganneft.

Our company thanks the Customer for effective collaboration and we are looking forward to a fruitful cooperation!

9 Chkalova St., bld. "I"


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